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error "No free licenses"

The "No free licenses" error may occur for several reasons:

  • licensed option is occupied
  • no license option for the used model
  • not enough parallel options
  • outdated technical support
  • SA user license parameters do not match the current active license
  • the script to run the solver is written incorrectly

This guide will help to understand what is the reason for the error in your case. There we described how to check each of error variants step by step.

if you have further questions

You can always receive clarification or discuss licensing options with our sales manager. If you have any questions regarding setting up a license on the license server or you can't start a project due to problems with the license, and neither our articles, nor our documentation have helped, feel free to contact technical support (support@flowvisioncfd.com).

But to start with:

  • take a look at the FAQ: this link will take you to the section adressing licenses.
  • check out the possible license errors in the documentation.