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This minor release includes several improvements and fixes increasing the calculating accuracy and speed.

Important changes

To calculate icing in FlowVision 3.14.03, it is necessary to adjust the previously used value of the roughness constant in the properties of the Turbulence physical process. The roughness constant is a calibration parameter of the icing model. Its value is selected based on a series of validation calculations for typical calculation cases and depends on the geometry of the object, the Y_plus (Y+) variable, and the liquid water content (LWC) parameter.


  • The Maxwell equations system has been improved to increase the accuracy of the results obtained in three-dimensional formulation of electro-magnetism problems.
  • Following the users’ requests, we changed the score equation and the source function in the Acoustics physical process, which can be used to solve a wider range of problems now.
  • The meshing around imported objects in 2d-projects became faster
  • Calculations of volumetric characteristics for projects with a large number of sub-areas have been significantly accelerated.
  • The volume rendering of results is now supported by more video cards
  • Displaying the palette for created layers is enabled by default.

Learn more about the changes in FlowVision 3.14.03 in “What’s new” section of the User Guide.

We recommend to update FlowVision to 3.14.03 version.