Capvidia participated in the 10th International Conference on Compressors and their Systems between 11th and 13th September 2017 hosted by City, University of London.

This year’s Conference, as usual, caught remarkable attention from in international audience of compressors, expanders and their systems manufacturers, equipment suppliers, simulation software vendors, users and research organizations.

Compressor Conference 2017 Group Photo

FlowVision has unique features especially for the simulation of screw compressors; Unique Gap Model accompanied with Moving Bodies technology allow users to perform screw compressor simulations without the need for 3rd party mesh generators and in significantly less amount of computational time.

In addition to that, specialized version of 3DTransVidia provides the capability to generate 3D rotor and housing geometries from 2D sketches in only minutes and the special screw compressor plug-in gives the opportunity to run configured screw compressor CFD simulations without setting up projects each time.

For details about the event: